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Usage Tips

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take a look!

How to Register & Login

Your first time on Wndo? Watch this videos now for a brief guide to learn how to create your account and start enjoying a wonderful & happy shopping experience.

How to Buy Products & Check Out

Your first time on Wndo? Watch this videos now and learn how to buy products & check out. Step-by-step instructions for you.

How to Track Your Orders

Your Wndo order is on its way? Watch this video and learn how to track it through out its journey to you.

How to Edit Your Profile

Looking for a way to edit your profile on Wndo? Watch this video and learn step-by-step how to do it.

How to Search for Products & Add Them to My Wishlist

Want to look for products or add some to your Wishlist but don't know how? Watch this guidance video now and learn every step.

Useful links

Know more about Your Rights and Privacy

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions provide clarity about what should happen in any given situation. They set out the key commercial terms Wndo is offering to you and helps the contractual parties to understand their duties, rights, roles and responsibilities.

Privacy Policy

This privacy statement explains the personal data Wndo processes, how Wndo processes it, and for what purposes. The data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with Wndo and the choices you make, and it fully secured and not shared.

Refund Policy

The refund policy ensures to the customers that either the purchased product will be good enough. A generous return policy makes it easier for Wndo's customers to buy with the peace of mind that they won’t get stuck with something they can’t use.